Sunday, August 9, 2009

Errata: Corrections and Additions to Marlowe's Ghost

Re: The sentence "But Francis Meres did not know Shakespeare personally any more than he knew Chaucer; he was simply reporting what was commonly believed." is misleading.

It is unlikely that Meres knew Shakespeare personally, but the sentence implies that this is known as fact. It is not. The sentence should be amended to, "But there is no reason to believe that Francis Meres knew Shakespeare personally any more than he knew Chaucer; he was simply reporting what was commonly believed."

pp.166 -167:
Correction: The sentence "He had even written letters to Southampton urging him to marry his own daughter." is in error. We know Lord Burghley had written letters to persons with influence over Southampton to urge him to marry, and it is entirely plausible that Burghley had put his wishes in writing to Southampton as well, but we have no direct evidence of this. Worse, 'daughter' is incorrect; it was Burghley's granddaughter whom he had arranged to marry Southampton.

Re: The sentence " . . . no one mourns the passing of the immortal bard, the sweet swan of Avon, as happened with every other writer of the age."

The phrase 'every other writer' lacks a modifier. The sentence should be amended to '". . . no one mourns the passing of the immortal bard, the sweet swan of Avon, as happened with many other writers of the age."

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